Tao's Home Page

Patrick Wang

Hi! I'm Patrick (Tao) Wang. I'm glad you've visited my website. As you may know, this is a place where I can share my thoughts, interests, and understanding of things.

What guides me on this career path? Actually, I always wanted to be a CS student since I was in middle school. Because I admire Steve Jobs and his great accomplishments. Besides, I believe technology is the thing that can change the world and help people of all kinds. Yes, my dream hasn't changed, I still want to influence the world in some ways that I'm capable of.

Who am I? I know what a good candidate for a job should look like, but, I always believe there is something that should always come before that - Personality. 

I'm an extroverted, brave, resilient, altruistic, and diligent person.

I can appreciate the world in a beautiful way even though others don't think so. 

I'm passionate about everything that happens in my life no matter good or bad. 

I believe failure is the mother of success, and I would not be stuck in failures, once they already happen, rather, I try to learn from them, because I know I can't change things that already happened and I can only eye into the future.

I know opportunities are important, but without hard-working, you gain nothing from them. Therefore, I value hard-working, meanwhile waiting for my opportunities to come and take the shot.

I would prefer going into a win-win situation rather than getting into zero-sum games because I'm competitive, not selfish.

As a candidate, who is seeking a job, I displayed that I'm a fast learner during all my past internship experiences. I'm also proactive. I'm not afraid of expressing my thoughts and ideas and would love to share them with colleagues. I can collaborate with my colleagues, mentor, and manager well. They also feel comfortable working with me.

Technical-wise, I love things related to computer systems, especially distributed systems and cloud computing. However, as a good engineer, I think the ability to write high-quality code, handle errors elegantly, and build highly reusable software by following design patterns also plays an important role.

The philosophy of life and the computer world are similar to each other - it's an art that is all about making trade-offs.


Carnegie Mellon Univerisity                                                                                                                                                                                    Pittsburgh, PA

Master of Science in Mobile and IoT Engineering                                                                                                                                            Aug 2021 - Present

Taken Courses 

Proceeding Courses

Interested Courses


Raft                   Dec 2022 - Feb 2023

Kernel   Sep 2022 - Nov 2022

MapReduce                                                                                                                                                                                              Sep 2022 - Nov 2022

Two-Phase Commit                                                                                                                                                                            Apr 2022 - May 2022

Auto Scaling                                                                                                                                                                                  Mar 2022 - Apr 2022

Distributed File System                                                                                                                                                                        Feb 2022 - Mar 2022

RPC-Based File System                                                                                                                                                                     Jan 2022 - Feb 2022

Hybrid File System                                                                                                                                                                                 Oct 2021 - Dec 2021

Flash Translation Layer                                                                                                                                                                           Sept 2021 - Oct 2021

Dynamic Memory Allocator                                                                                                                                                                     May 2021 - Aug 2021

Movie Rating Web Application                                                                                                                                                               May 2018 - May 2019

Work Experience

NVIDIA                                                                                                                                                                                                               May 2022 - Aug 2022

Position: Software Engineer Intern - Map Engine       Santa Clara, CA, US

Shanghai Digital Intelligence System Technology Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                           Jul 2020 - Sep 2020

Position: Software Engineer                                                                                                                                                                                         Chengdu, CN

Research Experience

Machine Learning Application in Disaster Risk Assessment                                                                                                                      Feb 2020 - Jun 2020

Thesis (supervised by Prof. Leng)                                                                                                                                                                                 Chengdu, CN

An Improved SMT-Based Scheduling for Overloaded Real-Time Systems                                                                                             May 2018 - May 2019

Research Assistant (supervised by Prof. Liao )                                                                                                                                                             Chengdu, CN

Leadership Experience

Vice President, Student Union, School of Cyber Security                                                                                                                           Feb 2018 - Feb 2019

In charge of Innovation and Entrepreneurship organization. Organized student events and promotion on innovation and entrepreneurship policies.

Honors And Awards

National Scholarship                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2019

Bronze Medal, Sichuan Province, Internet plus Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest                                                                                                       2019

Honorable Mention, Mathematical Contest in Modeling, COMAP                                                                                                                                           2017


Programming Language & Platform: Java, C/C++, SQL, JavaScrip, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, CUDA, ISPC, OpenMP

Frameworks & Tools: Git, Linux, Dubbo, Spring, Spring Boot, RESTful API, Eureka, Nacos, Tensorflow, Docker

